"Ik zou willen streven naar een meer realistische positionering van de mensheid, waarin we ons vollediger kunnen verhouden tot de werkelijkheid.”

Central to Art van Triest's work is the human tendency to fight our fundamental fear and insecurity with an order, a system. He considers this a coping mechanism: an attempt to get a grip on the world around us, which stems from a deep need for control, or the illusion of control.


"I see this tendency to frame reality in a system on various levels. It is anchored in our thinking: we divide the world around us into categories and use rational constructs to define differences and make connections. This also shapes our world in a concrete sense: from spreadsheets to urban planning and agriculture or architecture." - Art van Triest -


His work is a visual investigation, in which Van Triest questions how this framing of reality relates to the physical reality of the world around us.