To Break and To Hold // Lu Luo

1 - 28 September 2024
"Lu Luo uses the canvas as a stage on which different stories come together."

A flourishing of vibrant fabrics and textiles, Lu Luo's new exhibition TO BREAK AND TO HOLD is the artist's attempt to articulate the blurring of memory and imagination, woven into colorful tapestries, the variegating textures that make a person. Playfully articulating questions of the self, relationality, care, and beauty, Lu approaches her works as a stage upon which stories come together through time and space. TO BREAK AND TO HOLD is Lu's invitation for the audience to ponder our own power in the creation of our lives' stories, to think about our memories as an ecology, constantly shifting, shimmering, moving along with the tides:

“Joining the plethora of odes and lamentations that time has been the muse of, I repeat that time passes by us fast; there is never enough of it, though we dwell surrounded by time as it holds us, until the day time no longer touches our bodies. Like everyone, I spend a lot of time forgetting, remembering, and imagining past times, while the present - with my eyes on times to come - too, slips into times I used to have. So much fuss, so much to hold.

Do you reckon we are our own testimonies, walking around with pockets of time in our minds, in our hands, in the creases of our bodies? Where does it all go? Some of my time, at times, I give for my work to hold, my art pieces as substitutes, capsules of times past, present, and future; lived, imagined, and possible. And, for a while, they will hold as much as I will them to, as I continue pondering what our time here is all about.” (Lu Luo)

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