Rainer Splitt DE, b. 1963

The Berlin artist Rainer Splitt (b. 1963, DE) does not paint but casts. In the act of casting, Splitt studies the qualities of the liquid, its ability to disperse and the process of gradual drying. His way of exploring the relationship between space, matter and time.


The movement of paint, its specific form and spatial properties are at the heart of the Berlin artist's artistic research. How can paint manage to paint itself, independent of the desire for expression and independent of a predetermined idea?


Splitt pours paint onto the surface, lifts the pictorial surface and lets the paint run vertically. Expansion, coherence and gravity form an astonishingly precise form, a colorful drawing that paradoxically reverses our expectation of how fluids move and our idea of a drop.

In some cases, the layers of color, flowing on top of each other, partially overlap and “erase” each other by creating precise and elegant forms that show Splitt's unique ability to control color and matter.